Thursday, November 18, 2010


I want one.

Everything that is "newly built" is SO cheaply and carelessly built. I don't think I could bear to spend our money on that. It just seems wrong, especially since I know what I know. Not to mention that your neighbor's house is practically touching your's--which is ONLY ok if you live in the actual city...but I digress.

I WANT to build a house. I NEED to build a house. Not a house in the middle of a cleared field in a pre-fab neighborhood (I would rather live in an apartment or die), but a cozy, comfy cottage/bungalow style house on a few, tree-dense acres.

I want new that feels old and loved.

I want to be "Sara" on Sara's Cottage (watch on hgtv).

Scratch that.

I AM a Sara...sans cottage.

Sad, huh?

Welcome to the Harris's Cottage...

Let me make you something delicious.

No cats allowed in here.

This is your room.

This is where we will have everyone over for "wine nights."

You say, "Is this going to be built by spring?"

No. It's looking like one more apartment, isn't it?


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